Monday, January 13, 2014

14 days

the coastal settlement for my mom's birthday dinner

story of my life lol
the other day @ NP


caught the sunrise the other day at MBS, worth it but right now my body clock's still fucked.
got my results back which i thought would be stressful but i've been proven wrong the moment i had to choose my choices. like seriously, its giving me a headache and i wish i could just not even think about it.
i wouldn't say i did badly, but i really wanted to do better. which i honestly think i could have. i'm just one, one, one point away from the course i want. so that's pretty fucked up you could say, but nevertheless i'm gna sign up for jpsae and appeal for it too. but on the contrary, i've been rethinking my choices too. maybe i should do something like business, although i have no interest for it but its practical, no?
wish i could just wake up and have an eureka moment as to what i should do with my life, but no life is never that easy.

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