Thursday, December 26, 2013

bangkok city bitch.

mandatory plane selfie!! surviving on 3h of sleep from work the day before :-(

welcome drinks from novotel! with really cool glasses (they're raised btw)


day 1 of shopping #leggo

krispy kreme. only because its cheaper here

ice blended thai iced milk tea @ greyhound café

banana prata - my new found love.

'shawn can you help me take a picture'
'hurry up bitch'
'the sun damn bright i cannot see'


mandatory coconut ice cream


famous pork leg rice opp platinum but its rlly average tbh, nothing to rave about

fuck the politics

one of my shopping days where i wanted to 'dress up' a little. love this side slit maxi!!!!!!

because my family decided to bring two big ass luggages that couldn't fit into the trunk of a regular taxi, we had to leave it like this which a rope attached to the car. and it was really funny because all of us (including the taxi driver) was turning back to check on the luggages every 5 seconds, and we freak out after every hump we drove past or a slope HAHA 

having my toffee nut latte on Christmas morning :-)

i love love looove white sheets and i wish my sheets at home were white too :-(
bought nars sheer glow at survarnabhumi's duty free for $57.80. it retails in sg for like $70+++? picked up some other things too. i love survarnabhumi's duty free man
so i'm back in sg alr and my mom is already asking when is the next time we are visiting bangkok again haha how cute
it was a reaaaally good getaway from work and everything confusing back in singapore.
figured out a lot of things (i hope?) and i think i just needed a breather from everything.
work tmr haha life sucks man but its ok because work ends in 4 days woohoo!
can't wait to leave everything bad and unfortunate that happened in 2013 behind (omg plssss that's the thing i would want because it has been such a shitty year. except december hehe december has been exceptionally good)
can't wait for new years xxx

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