Monday, July 14, 2014

I am sick of the way the world works. I am tired of forced smiles and unnecessary conversations. I am sick of watching my back every minute, because the people you hold close to you can be the very ones who can stick a knife in your back without battering an eyelid. I am tired of people asking me 'how are you?' because it's an question i can never quite answer. Do I say 'oh im fine and good' or do I say 'i'm feeling quite off edge today, i'm feeling a lack of purpose, some days are bad and some days are better than others?'. I am sick of watching people around me try so hard for the popularity they crave. I am tired of boys who smell good and tells you that you're pretty and breaks hearts for a living. I am sick of people around me using one another as a scratching post for their selfish desires and desperate need to curb their loneliness. 

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